1、每个产品尺寸的设计人性化,均源自 EBT 严谨的科学分析、对专业的掌握。Design - Thanks to scientific analysis and profession,every dimension is designed for the convenience of the users.
2、焊接:采用先进的焊接工艺,焊接后平整、均匀、无砂眼,能承受很大的压力,不会出现腐蚀、生锈和脱焊现象。Welding-Adopts advanced welding process。After welding,the product surface is smooth and free of pinhole 。It can withstand corrding,rusting and cracking。
3、美仑美妙的抛光技术:先后分别经过砂轮、麻轮、棉轮和风轮八道抛光程序,以确保产品表面质地均匀、手感顺滑、光泽亮人。Polishing-Products are polished through eight processes with grinding wheel,linen wheel,cotton wheel and wind wheel so that the surface is even,smooth and shiny。
4、完美电镀 表面采用多层电镀工艺,确保产品始终光亮如新。Plating-several different layers are plated on the surface of products to ensure that the finish will never fade and looks glossy.
材料特性:产品采用标准黄铜配方,有别于一般黄杂铜,耐腐蚀,能保持表面长久光亮,同时含铅量小于0.03%,防止水源污染。Material Propetry Utilizes standard brass,which is antirust and much better than ordinary yellow brass.Lead content is less than o.o3%,which will not contaminate water.
产品检测:出厂产品均实施双全检,即所有产品均经过初检终检两次试水,试气检验,无一例外。Product Inspection All products will be 100% inspected by water and air pressure twice before delivery,namely initial inspection and final inspection.